Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
David Chin [email protected]
Associate Professor Emeritus of English, Emeritus Faculty
Caroline Chronowski [email protected] Center for Technology, 005 570-675-9153
Michael Chura [email protected]
Facilities Supervisor, Maintenance and Operations
Hayfield House, 113 570-450-3039
Jacob Claypoole [email protected]
Assistant Coach, Baseball
Athletic & Recreation Building 570-675-9259
Theresa Clemente [email protected]
Program Coordinator, Business
Assistant Teaching Professor, Business
Business Internship Coordinator
Hayfield House, 312
Alyssa Cook [email protected]
Financial Coordinator, Budget and Finance
Hayfield House, 110 570-675-9289
Meredith Cosgrove [email protected]
Personal Counselor, Health and Wellness
Part-Time Lecturer, Health and Human Development
Murphy Center, 105 570-675-9282
Diana Coslett [email protected]
Financial Aid Specialist, Financial Aid
Hayfield House, 102 570-675-9242
Susan Cunningham [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs
Murphy Student Services Center, 121 570-675-9279
Maria DeLuca [email protected]
General Manager, Food Services
Student Commons, Hickory Court Café 570-675-9193
Frank Derby [email protected]
Associate Professor Emeritus of Surveying Engineering, Emeritus Faculty
Adriana Dinescu [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry
Science Building, 114 570-675-9267
Joseph Domino [email protected]
Head Coach, Soccer
Lori Dunn [email protected]
Lecturer, Business
Hayfield House, 310
Kristen Durso [email protected]
Academic Adviser, Student Success Services
Murphy Center, 108 570-675-9297
Alex Ellsworth [email protected]
Interim Director of Enrollment Management, Admissions
Part-Time Lecturer, Communication Arts and Sciences
Hayfield House, 104 570-675-9229
Alyssa Ellsworth [email protected]
Marketing Communications Specialist, Strategic Communications
Hayfield House, 227 570-675-9269
Marie Ferriero [email protected]
Maintenance Utility, Maintenance and Operations
Hayfield House, 113 570-675-9207
Theodore Frear [email protected]
Part-Time Lecturer, Surveying Engineering
Hayfield House, 202
Ashlynn Gallagher [email protected]
Assistant Coach, Women’s Volleyball
Athletic & Recreation Building 570-675-9259