Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Lynda Goldstein [email protected]
Chancellor, Chancellor’s Office
Chief Academic Officer, Academic Affairs
Hayfield House, 204 570-675-9221
Auraleah Grega [email protected]
Coordinator, Learning Center
Coordinator, Disability Services
Murphy Center, 102 570-675-9285
Jaclyn Gregor [email protected]
Police Officer, Police and Public Safety
Nittany Courts D 570-675-9249
Stephanie Gresh [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Business
Hayfield House, 315 570-675-9116
Ronald Gruver [email protected] Hayfield House, 113 570-675-9207
Seth Gulich [email protected]
Part-Time Lecturer, Surveying Engineering
Hayfield House, 202
LeShawn Hammett [email protected]
Head Coach, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball
Athletic & Recreation Building 570-675-9259
Reneard Harris, Jr.
Associate Head Coach, Men’s Basketball
Athletic & Recreation Building 570-675-9259
Susan Hay [email protected]
Web Developer, Strategic Communications
Hayfield House, 221 570-675-9269
Heidi Hojnowski-Sims [email protected]
Part-Time Lecturer, Spanish
Hayfield House, 202
David Horowitz [email protected]
Police Officer, Police and Public Safety
Nittany Courts D 570-675-9223
Diane Hoyt-Green [email protected]
Manager, Bookstore
Student Commons, Bookstore 570-675-9230
Benjamin Hugendubler [email protected] Hayfield House, 113 570-675-9207
Maria Hummel [email protected]
Assistant Manager, Bookstore
Student Commons, Bookstore 570-675-9230
Anatoli Ivanov [email protected]
Distinguished Professor, Mathematics
Science Building, 108C 570-675-9166
Jeffrey Johnson [email protected]
Maintenance Utility, Maintenance and Operations
Hayfield House, 113 570-675-9207
Vinelle Johnson [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Business Services
Hayfield House, 113 570-675-9244
Robert Jolley [email protected]
Part-Time Lecturer, Criminal Justice
Hayfield House, 202
Rianna Karalunas [email protected]
Part-Time Financial Assistant, Budget and Finance
Hayfield House, 110 570-675-9289
Edward Keil [email protected]
Head Coach, Men’s Golf
Athletic & Recreation Building 570-954-6379