The purpose of this procedure is to outline the computer actions needed to be taken for an employee change. This covers departing employees, new employees, and new positions.
This procedure will be used for all new full-time faculty and staff and part-time staff who will be assigned a computer.
ADG01 – Glossary of Computerized Data and System Terminology
Procedure and Guidelines
Departure of an Employee
When employment terminates, the Business Office will inform IT Director of the employment end date.
Timeline: IT staff will schedule an appointment with the departing employee to collect all University technology. This should occur on the last day of the employee's appointment. Prior to this collection, documents and email must be addressed.
Documents: The departing employee and their supervisor are responsible for the transfer of documents from the employee's computer or S: drive to the department's network drive or to another employee.
Email: It is the responsibility of the departing employee to manage their email. If the employee has email they feel should go to someone else, the employee will use the email client and forward the messages. If the employee is retiring with benefits, the email account will remain active. In this situation, the employee should remove all University data from UCS that will not be needed after retiring. All other departing employees will have access to email for a specified time as set by the ITS Accounts Office.
Communications: This is a sample email communication that goes to the departing employee and manager:
Sorry to see you go but before you do, there are technology items to take care of.
After your last day, {IT Specialist Name} will pick up your computer and format and reimage it for your replacement. Please be sure all data files that your department will need are stored on your departments' network share {Network Share Name}. If you have emails that are needed by the department after you leave, please forward them to someone in the department.
Your Penn State account will remain active for {staff-120 days, faculty - 270 days}. Some have found it helpful to setup the vacation notice on their email account to help direct email communication to someone else in the department. The website for that is: https://www.work.psu.edu/vacation/
Account: IT staff will terminate the employee's server accounts immediately upon the employee's departure. (for example: Message Board, S: Drive) The PSU Access Account will terminate on the schedule set by the ITS Accounts Office.
Sanitize Hard Drive: IT staff will sanitize the computer hard drive according to policy PSU-WB-ITS-002 Sanitizing Digital Media.
New Position
Timeline: It can take up to four weeks from the time a purchase order is entered until the computer is ready. Therefore, it is best to request the computer around the time that interviewing is taking place.
Type of equipment: There are two equipment choices, a desktop computer or a laptop with a docking station. All new employees will receive a desktop unless the employee's supervisor decides otherwise. Computers will be paid for by the requesting department.
Filling a Vacant Position (applies for new position and replacement employee)
The supervisor will inform IT Staff of the new employee's name and start date as soon as this information is known. IT Staff will set up an appointment with the new employee for computer setup and instructions. Before the employee's start date the following must be addressed:
Access Account: When a new employee is hired, the Business Office will provide the new employee with a Penn State Access Account application https://identity.psu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/3053/2016/01/Access-Account-Application-for-Faculty-and-Staff.pdf. The Business Office will fax the completed form to the ITS Account Office. The form can take up to 3 days to process.
University Collaboration Suite (UCS): All employees (except student employees) will use the UCS system. The Business Office will inform the IT Director of the Penn State ID number of the new employee. The IT Director will provision the new user in UCS using the UCS Tool Kit at https://admin.ucs.psu.edu/UCS/index.html.
Network Setup: Signing the "Computer System Use and Network Access Policy" agreement is a requirement for receipt and use of a computer system and access to the Penn State Wilkes-Barre network as outlined in Policy PSU-WB-ITS-005 Computer System Use and Network Access Policy. The computer will be connected to the campus' wired network and comply with all University and campus policies and procedures. If the computer is a laptop, it will also be setup for use on the campus wireless network.
Software: IT staff will install the campus' current faculty/staff image on the computer. If the employee needs additional software, it will be paid for by the requesting department. If the additional software has an annual renewal cost, that funding will also be the responsibility of the requesting department.
Operating in Least Privilege Mode: The employee will have a standard account and only be granted an elevated privilege account if an exception in writing is approved as outlined in policy PSU-WB-ITS-006 Administrative User Rights.
Printing: The computer will be connected to at least one networked printer/copier. If the networked printer/copier is inadequate and agreed as such by the supervisor and IT staff, the requesting department will pay for a personal printer and all supplies.
Data backup and storage: Employees must store their documents on the S:\ drive if they want them to be backed up as outlined in policy PSU-WB-ITS-009 Backup Procedure. The ITS department will not be responsible for recovering files from an employee computer that were not properly stored on the S:\ drive.
Life Cycling of Equipment: Full time faculty and staff will receive one new computer during a four-year period. Equipment that is life-cycled is not available to be reused for another purpose. (Exceptions may be granted by the IT director.)