April 17, 2017
LEHMAN, Pa. — The 2017 Celebration of Scholarship winners have been announced. Coordinated by Penn State Wilkes-Barre and the campus' Nesbitt Library, the competition drew more than 140 poster entries this year.
Best Poster Presentation for Applied Sciences
- Blaise Waligun, Colby Karnes, Emily Miller, Greg Bronsberg, and Kathryn Waclawski "Will It Make It?" (faculty adviser: Violet Mager)
- Aaron Martinez "The Effect of Target Intensity and Target-Instrument Geometry on Terrestrial Laser Scanner Accuracy" (faculty adviser: Dimitrios Bolkas)
Best Poster Presentation for Humanities
- Tanner MacDougall "The Importance of Mechanical Engineering at The Fairmount Water Works" (faculty advisers: Bill Bachman and Terry Clemente)
Best Poster Presentation for Natural Sciences
- Adam Curry "Does Caffeine Lead to Cannibalism? A Test in Tenebrio Molitor" (faculty adviser: Renee Rosier)
Best Poster Presentation for Social Sciences
- Ingrid Ritchie "Examining the (In) Equalities in Structural Covariates of Gender-Specific Drug Arrest Counts" (faculty adviser: Rick Dierenfeldt)
Best Overall Poster
- K. Jacob Gibbs "Fire Station Response Time Analysis" (faculty adviser Dimitrios Bolkas)
- Alexa Webby, Heidi Kile, Adam Garnett, and Curtis Evans "SWOT Analysis: McDonald's" (faculty adviser: John Weber)
Nesbitt Library Information Literacy Award
- Matthew Caines "Perceptions of the Death Penalty Among College Students" (faculty adviser: Rick Dierenfeldt)
Dr. Rosier’s Telescoping Spoon Award
- Adam Curry "Does Caffeine Lead to Cannibalism? A Test in Tenebrio Molitor" (faculty adviser, Renee Rosier)
- Mitchell MacDougall "How Will Microwaves Affect The Germination Of Sunflower Seeds" (faculty adviser Renee Rosier)
Honorable mentions
- Shaina Shelton "How Cults Recruit New Members"
- Jonathan Santos and Khalid Liburd "Construction Survey Column Stakeout for a High-rise Building"
- Emma Evans "Attitudes: Shaping and Forming Our Behavior"
- Jacob Fullmer "Priming, and the Effect it Can Have on Obesity Rates"
- Jon Schwartz and Ron Neher "Luzerne County Voting Patterns 2000-2016"
- Vincent Pavill, Joseph Hall, and Anthony LaTorre "Making Mjolnir: An Experiment with Electromagnetivity"
- Greg Strazdus "Implementation of Google for Education: A Case Study of the Dallas School District in Pennsylvania"
- Susan Huey "Sharswood Revitalization?"
- Shaina Shelton "Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge: A Place of Healing"
- Kathryn Waclawski "Roller Coaster Physics"
- Wyatt McMarlin and Graham Speace ArcGIS Case Study of the "Great St. Patrick's Day Flood of 1936" in Pittsburgh, PA
- Hasham Jaffri, Amari Boyd, Khalid Liburd, Zacharia Sao, and Shikongha Cyril Tankam T"horium Based Nuclear Power: Future or Bust"
For more information, visit http://sites.psu.edu/wbscholarship.