Students who received awards during Penn State Wilkes-Barre's Celebration of Academic Excellence.
Penn State Wilkes-Barre held its 34th annual Celebration of Academic Excellence on April 27, honoring students who have excelled in their academic endeavors throughout the year.
Welcoming remarks were provided by Lynda Goldstein, chancellor and chief academic officer. Campus faculty and staff presented the academic achievement awards to students.
Award recipients were as follows:
President Sparks Award: Garrett Porasky, Denali Sharp, John Stone and Darren Wyffels
President Walker Award: Abram Bennett, Caleb Cornell, Evan Hoover, Patrick Hughes, Olivia Kochan, Ryeya McGee, Dealla Rasmus, Brayden Rogowski, Collin Sincavage, Cody Stambaugh, Abigail Strange and Jenna Vincenti
Evan Pugh Scholar Award: Danielle Rittenhouse
Samuel Valick Administration of Justice Award at Penn State Wilkes-Barre, given to a senior in the administration of justice program who achieved the highest grade-point average in the program during their senior year: Mackenzie Jennings
College Academic Achievement Awards are given to the top student in a college regardless of their major. Students must be in their last spring semester at the Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus, or changed assignment in the previous summer or fall semester, and have a minimum of 24 credits completed and a minimum 3.33 cumulative GPA. Recipients were:
- Behrend College: Alyssa Hopple and Kayle Hopple
- College of Earth and Mineral Sciences: Michael Javer
- Eberly College of Science: KateLyn Krzysik
- College of Education: Abigail Gaffney
- College of Engineering: Jacob Onda
- College of Health and Human Development: Paige David
- College of Liberal Arts: Nikolai Feduchak
- Smeal College of Business: Shane Hamel
Program Academic Achievement Awards are given to top students in their last semester at Penn State Wilkes-Barre before completing their degree, or who have satisfactorily completed their degree requirements at the conclusion of the previous summer or fall semester. Students must have a minimum of 45 credits completed at the Wilkes-Barre campus for baccalaureate students or a minimum of 24 credits for associate degree students, and a minimum 3.33 cumulative GPA. Recipients were:
- Associate in Business Administration: James Burke
- Bachelor of Science in Business: Matthew Roberts
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice: Matthew Swire
- Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice: Yinaira Valentin
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology: Jacob Niewinski
- Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences and Technology: Abigail Winter
- Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation and Human Services: Sara Tomsak
- Bachelor of Science in Surveying Engineering: Tyler Pokrinchak
- Associate in Surveying Engineering Technology: Zachary Hunsinger
Honors Program Awards were also presented. The honors program provides co- and extracurricular enrichment for selected members of the student body qualified on the basis of scholastic aptitude, test scores, and/or high school or college grade point average. This year’s recipient was Jacob Onda.