LEHMAN, Pa. — Penn State Wilkes-Barre Continuing Education will be offering a Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS) program beginning in the Fall of 2017 at the Lehman campus.
The 54-hour Certified Recovery Specialist is a Peer Support position formally recognized by the Pennsylvania Certification Board. Participants will receive education in Recovery Management, Education & Advocacy, Professional Ethics & Responsibility, Confidentiality, and Addictions.
To apply for certification to become a CRS, individuals must meet the Pennsylvania Certification Board (PCB) requirements which include: a history of addictions recovery (must have a minimum of 18 months, in a continuous manner, of personal, lived recovery experience), a high school diploma or GED, successful completion of the Certified Recovery Specialist 54-Hour Training Program, successful completion of the Pennsylvania Certification Board CRS exam, and a signed ethical code of conduct.
The Certified Recovery Specialist program is offered beginning Saturday, Sept. 9, running through Nov. 11 (with no class on Oct. 21). Courses will run from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. each day. There is also a voluntary exam prep session from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2. Cost is $995.00 per person and includes all required study materials. The Pennsylvania Certification Board requires candidates to complete the CRS exam application. The cost of the exam is $100, payable directly to the PCB with the application and requisite documents. Registrations must be received by Sept. 1.
Penn State Wilkes-Barre Continuing Education brings all the resources of a world-class, Big Ten, research-oriented university right into the northeast corner of Pennsylvania. We strive to be the partner of choice by providing superior customer service, recognizing that our growth depends upon establishing and maintaining satisfied relationships. We serve individuals, companies, and organizations in Luzerne, Wyoming, Bradford, and Sullivan counties offering quality programming to support the workforce development needs of companies and the professional and personal development needs of individuals.
For more information or to register, please contact Continuing Education at 570-675-9253, email at [email protected], or visit online at http://wilkesbarre.psu.edu/ce.