Career Mentor Program Kicks Off Second Year

Penn State Wilkes-Barre kicked off their 2nd year of the Professional Mentoring Program on September 11th. 

The Penn State Wilkes-Barre Professional Mentoring Program seeks to match students with professional to encourage networking practice and professional growth. The program offers an opportunity for students to seek guidance from someone who is familiar with a particular field and also provides a way to bridge the gap between collegiate and professional experiences with an emphasis on nurturing soft skills. Students are paired with professionals in the community as well as alumni who live outside of the Northeastern Pennsylvania area. 

Open to all students at any grade level, the mentor program has grown to more than double last year's size. Building on the success of last year's program, this year's mentor program includes more events of a networking nature to help students not only get to know their own mentor but other mentors within the program. This year's mentoring program will conclude in April 2015.