On Thursday, August 6, 2015 and Friday, August 7, 2015, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Continuing Education will offer a course in Computational Methods in Stormwater Management. The two-day course will run from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. each day and has an early bird (June 2, 2015) registration fee of $950.00 per person. After June 2, the full registration fee is $999.00 per person-deadline to register is July 3, 2015. Registration fee after July 3, 2015 is $1,049.00 (if space permits).
This course is intended for stormwater facility designers with previous exposure to urban runoff calculations involving NRCS (SCS) methods, reservoir routing principles, and rational methodologies. Special emphasis will be on fundamental calculations for detention facility design, particularly outlet structure design. The multiple stage routing model (MSRM) in VT/PSUHM will be used to assist in understanding this process. Because hands-on computer work is emphasized in the course, the fundamental concepts behind these methods will not be presented in great detail. However, specific details for each of the methods presented will be documented or referenced in the supplemental short-course notes.
Topics covered include curve number method, travel-time calculations, design rainfall, NRCS unit hydrograph method, NRCS tabular hydrograph method, detention pond routing, detention storage estimates, multiple-stage outlet design, Rational hydrograph method for detention design, bio-retention cell design, extended detention design, enhanced extended detention design and infiltration basin design.
Presentation of topics include a comprehensive array of hydrologic and hydraulic tools for stormwater management design, including detention facility design and structural BMP design. Participants will use the Virginia Tech/Penn State Urban Hydrology Model (VT/PSUHM) version 8.1 to solve problems in the hands-on workshops. Each participant is encouraged to bring a hand calculator for occasional use and must bring a Microsoft Windows-based laptop computer to the course. Visit our website at www.wb.psu.edu/ce/stormwater for additional details about the computer requirements.
Penn State Wilkes-Barre Continuing Education is part of Penn State Outreach, the largest unified outreach organization in American higher education, serving more than 5 million people each year, delivering more than 2,000 programs to people in all 67 Pennsylvania counties, all 50 states and 80 countries worldwide.