Jeremy Olson, assistant professor of criminal justice at Penn State Wilkes-Barre, has received international recognition for his research in the field of restorative justice, a philosophy that believes that people can and should live in ways where they avoid doing harm to each other. Olson led a group of researchers on a project that reviewed how American schools were implementing restorative justice into their discipline practices.
“Penn State Wilkes-Barre has been the perfect university for me and my personal needs. I think the 2+2 Plan really helped me be able to advance as far as I wanted to. I think without it, I wouldn’t have been able to be a year ahead in my studies.” — Alessandra Ayoub
Penn State Wilkes-Barre has named Iris Ouellette as lecturer in English and Nicholas Truncale as lecturer in mathematics, announced Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Lynda Goldstein. Both faculty members began teaching at the campus with the start of the fall semester.
The University College at Penn State is the collective administrative umbrella for 14 of Penn State's campuses distributed throughout the commonwealth. A key area of the college is the records office, located at the University Park campus, where work is done to help support the successful graduation of students and assistance of faculty and staff across the 14 campuses.
Steven Qarmout, who recently completed his first two years of study at Penn State Wilkes-Barre, has been accepted into a scholarship and leadership program at University Park. Qarmout also received a scholarship from a national forensics organization.
Penn State University Libraries presented its sixth annual "Undergraduate Research Award: Excellence in Information Literacy" honors at the end of the spring 2023 semester to 136 students at 20 undergraduate Penn State campuses.
Penn State Wilkes-Barre held its annual Leadership and Athletics Awards Ceremony on April 26 at Appletree Terrace, presenting campus awards and honoring outstanding student leaders and student athletes at the campus.