Agreement paves way for LCCC students to transfer to Penn State Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, Wilkes-Barre or Worthington Scranton.
By: Rachel Olszewski
Students who earn an associate degree from Luzerne County Community College (LCCC) can directly transfer into bachelor’s programs at five eastern Penn State campuses, leaders of the institutions announced Tuesday, Feb. 27, at Penn State Hazleton.
Chancellors from five campuses — Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, Wilkes-Barre and Worthington Scranton — and the president of Luzerne County Community College met at Penn State Hazleton to sign an articulation agreement to facilitate the transfer of LCCC students into 11 baccalaureate degrees at the five Penn State campuses.
Credit: Penn State
Luzerne County Community College President Tom Leary, Penn State Wilkes-Barre Chancellor Dale Jones, Penn State Worthington Scranton Chancellor Marwan Wafa and Penn State Lehigh Valley Chancellor Tina Richardson are introduced by Penn State Hazleton Chancellor Gary Lawler.
Credit: Penn State
Luzerne County Community College President Tom Leary addresses attendees on the benefits of a guaranteed transfer process.
Credit: Penn State
Leaders from five eastern Penn State campuses sign an articulation agreement with Luzerne County Community College.
Credit: Penn State
The articulation agreement, which is effective immediately, will allow students to complete an associate degree at LCCC, then transition the majority of their credits into a baccalaureate degree program at one of those five Penn State campuses.
Credit: Penn State
Dr. Dale Jones and Penn State Wilkes-Barre students Gordon Roberts and Chanamaria Bialer speak with The Hazleton Standard Speaker. Gordan and Chana both graduated from LCCC and transitioned to Penn State Wilkes-Barre.