It’s a new technology. It’s a collaboration among students in a variety of majors. It provides research experience. And it’s only happening at Penn State Wilkes-Barre, where students are exploring the world of virtual reality to research and enhance surveying engineering education.
As a spring-board for additional research, the project demonstrates what can be done by students who have an interest in setting their sights on the night sky.
Student Shaina Shelton assisted Dr. Garrett Huck with his research project, which culminated in the presentation of a poster at a professional conference. Her previous participation in the Celebration of Scholarship helped prepare her for the experience.
Winner of competitive university-wide Rodney A. Erickson Discovery Grant, freshman Ian Chamberlain provides details on his research into caffeine and green beans
Few programs across the United States can offer competitive, meaningful research opportunities for undergraduate students, but the Administration of Justice program at Penn State Wilkes-Barre has done just that, exposing students to discipline study they could not begin to cover in a classroom.
Thinking outside the box, an Administration of Justice professor creates a unique academic based student space with priceless value to those utilizing it
The excitement of experiencing one’s first lizard catch, encountering fortitude testing copperheads, and precarious hiking terrain; these are all just a day in the life of field research for an ecological biologist.