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A university is inherently a marketplace of ideas, and Penn State encourages and protects the rights of members of the University community to express divergent viewpoints and opinions on matters of concern. At the same time, the University encourages persons engaging in expressive activity to demonstrate civility, concern for the safety of persons and property, and respect for University activities and for those who may disagree with their message. All persons engaging in expressive activity on University property must comply with University policies. The purpose of this policy is to provide for expressive activity to be conducted on the grounds of the University in a manner consistent with these principles.
This policy is applicable to University students, faculty, staff, and others who wish to engage in speaking, literature distribution, poster or sign displays, petitioning and similar noncommercial activities (generally referred to as expressive activity) at outdoor locations on University property. Use of University buildings and indoor facilities is addressed in other University policies. University grounds and buildings are reserved for use by students, faculty, and staff, except as otherwise permitted by policies of the University.
The following outdoor areas of the Wilkes-Barre campus have been designated as suitable for expressive activity:
Registered student organizations, or a group of three or more University students, faculty, or staff, may reserve any one of the identified locations for the use of the group, subject to the following:
With a proper reservation, a group will have exclusive use of the reserved location and may not transfer the reservation to or allow use of the location by any other group. If a location has not been reserved, it will be available for use by a group, consistent with the other requirements of this policy. Registered student organizations and University groups will have absolute priority in the event of conflicting requests.
Registered student organizations, or groups of three or more University students, faculty, or staff should email the Office of Student Affairs and copy the Office of Business Services ([email protected] and [email protected]) to reserve a location.
Non-University groups requesting the use of University facilities should contact the Office of Business Services (570-675-9244 or [email protected]) to request use of and receive approval for the use of a facility.
In addition to other University policies and rules that generally apply to students, faculty, staff, and visitors, the following requirements specifically apply to expressive activities at outdoor locations by individuals and groups: