Title IX: Sexual Discrimination

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal law which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity, and it applies to students, faculty, and staff. Most people who know about Title IX think it applies only to sports, but athletics is only one of 10 key areas addressed by the law. These areas are: Access to Higher Education (admission and recruitment, financial aid, housing, educational programs and activities); Athletics (physical education, athletics, and other recreational activities); Career Education (vocational and vocational rehabilitation programs); Education for Pregnant and Parenting Students, Employment, Learning Environment (academic counseling and guidance, discipline, classroom assignment, grading, student treatment and services); Math and Science, Sexual Harassment, Standardized Testing and Technology.

Title IX as applied to Athletics

Title IX requires that female athletes receive equal opportunity in sports participation. Female athletes must receive athletic scholarship dollars proportional to their participation. And Title IX requires equal treatment in the provision of (1) equipment and supplies, (2) scheduling of games and practice times, (3) travel and daily allowance, (4) access to tutoring, (5) coaching, (6) locker rooms, (7) practice and competitive facilities, (8) medical and training facilities and services, (9) publicity and promotions, (10) recruitment of student athletes, and (11) support services.

Sexual Harassment and Assault Reporting and Education (SHARE) 

The Penn State Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response website is intended to provide assistance in obtaining information and identifying resources for anyone who becomes aware of an incident of sexual harassment or assault.

Questions or Concerns

Members of the Penn State Wilkes-Barre community who believe that Title IX has been violated should discuss their concerns and/or file a complaint with the campus’ Title IX Resource staff member, Tracy Garnick, Interim Director of Student Services and Engagement.

Title IX violations can also be discussed with the University’s Title IX Coordinator (for concerns about conduct by an employee or third party):

Dr. Kenneth Lehrman III, Vice Provost of Affirmative Action
328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-0471
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.affirmativeaction.psu.edu

or by the University’s Deputy Coordinators (for concerns about conduct by a student or student group):

Danny Shaha, Director, Office of Student Conduct 
120 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: (814) 863-0342
Email: jds49psu.edu 
Website: www.pennstatehershey.org/diversity

Charmelle Green, Associate Athletic Director, Intercollegiate Athletics, 
102 Jordan Center, University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: (814) 865-1104
Email: [email protected]

Kim Lantz Yoder, Equity Officer Office for Diversity, C1747N 
Penn State College of Medicine 500 University Drive, 
Hershey, PA 17033-0850 
Phone: (717) 531-0003 extension 283353
Email: [email protected]

To file a complaint outside of the University, contact:

Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Dept. of Education
Philadelphia Office
Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
Phone: (215) 656-8541
Website: www.ed.gov/ocr/complaintprocess.html

Prohibition Against Retaliation

University policy and state and federal law prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a complaint and/or participates in an investigation involving alleged Title IX violations. Retaliation constitutes a separate violation and may result in a sanction independent of the outcome of a complaint.