Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response

Wilkes-Barre campus:
Tracy Garnick, Student Affairs
email: [email protected]
phone: 570-450-3159
office: 123 Murphy Center

University Park:
email: [email protected]
phone: 814‑867‑0099

Penn State is committed to providing an environment that is free from harassment or misconduct on the basis of sex or gender. The Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response (OSMPR) ensures compliance with Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on the sex or gender of employees and students, as well as Penn State policy AD‑85 (Sexual and/or Gender-based Harassment and Misconduct). Behaviors that fall under AD‑85 include:

  • Gender-based Harassment — Physical or verbal conduct based on gender, sexual orientation, gender-stereotyping, perceived gender, or gender identity
  • Sexual Harassment — Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
  • Sexual Misconduct — Rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity
  • Stalking — Repeatedly following, harassing, threatening or intimidating including by telephone, mail, electronic communication, or social media
  • Dating Violence — May include physical, emotional, verbal, and/or economic abuse
  • Domestic Violence — May include physical, emotional, verbal, and/or economic abuse
  • Retaliation — Adverse employment, academic, or other actions against anyone reporting or participating in an investigation of Title IX allegations


Any sexual contact that occurs without consent violates Penn State’s policy. Consent must be informed, freely given, and mutual. If coercion, intimidation, threats, or physical force are used, there is no consent. If a person is mentally or physically incapacitated due to alcohol or drug consumption, being asleep, or being unconscious, consent cannot be given. Silence does not necessarily constitute consent.


Penn State offers confidential and non-confidential reporting options for those who have become victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking. The University strongly encourages students to report incidents violating this policy. Therefore, student survivors, witnesses, and bystanders who act responsibly by reporting information about sexual and/or gender-based harassment or misconduct (including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking), typically will NOT face University disciplinary action for their own drug or alcohol possession or consumption in connection with the reported incident.

What are my reporting options?

Penn State offers a variety of confidential and non-confidential reporting options if you or a friend are a victim of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.

Confidential Reporting Options

Visit the University’s Title IX web page to learn more about campus, community and University resources.

Non-Confidential Reporting Options

  • Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response (OSMPR), 814-867-0099, [email protected]
  • Title IX resource person, Tracy Garnick
  • Campus Police, 570-675-9111 or 570-675-9249
  • Lehman Township Police, 570-675-1483 or 911

What happens when a report is made?

A prompt response is activated when an incident is reported to a non-confidential resource:

  • The Title IX Coordinator leads the University response, which may include a University investigation.
  • The Title IX Coordinator or designee will inform you of your rights and options.

Accommodations and/or interim remedies may be taken, including:

  • a no-contact order
  • classroom and housing adjustments
  • access to on- and off-campus support services

A thorough investigation of the incident will be conducted by OSMPR staff. The University will:

  • review all relevant information, and
  • determine if the behavior violates the University’s Code of Conduct