Spotted Lanternfly Procedures

Anyone traveling for business across the commonwealth to, from, and within the quarantine zone must abide by the below 4-step procedure. (Please note that driving to work/home campus is not considered to be traveling for business; inspections in this case are not required but still highly recommended.)

View a map of the current quarantine zone.

SLF Procedures:

  1. Prior to any travel in a personal or fleet vehicle, you must take a one-time, online training: “EHS — Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Requirements Training at
  2. Prior to any travel in a personal or fleet vehicle, you need to forward the SLF training completion certificate (if you have not done so already) to our designated campus SLF employee, Vinelle Johnson at [email protected].
  3. Any faculty or staff using a personal vehicle for business must stop by Business Services to pick up a clipboard with SLF life cycle identification sheet, checklist, log, and SLF disposal kit to inspect their vehicle before conducting any university business off campus. SLF reporting is required for all personal and fleet vehicle (there is a kit in the fleet vehicle) usage. We strongly encourage employees to follow the same protocol when using rental vehicles as well.
  4. Upon return to campus, faculty and staff will return clipboard with completed inspection form and travel log to Business Services (leave at door if office is closed). Dispose of any SLF eggs, nymphs, adults as outlined in the training.

 These steps are necessary to meet our annual audit requirements for the campus and to contain the spread of SLF.  Please let the Business office know if you have any questions.