Dr. Willie Ofosu is a Professor of Engineering in the University College of Penn State. His interest in globalization and technology transfer has led to supporting the development of a Bachelor of Science Program in Telecommunications Engineering at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana. He has also assisted the Master of Technology Program at the University of Education—Kumasi Campus, also in Ghana.
Research Interests
Dr. Ofosu’s research interests include:
- Characterization of the radio space
- WiMAX applications
- Powerline communication
- The food-energy-water nexus in developing nations
His guiding principles in these areas have been sustainability and green earth, and providing solutions to problems faced by people in developing countries.
A sample of articles published in refereed journals:
Ofosu, W. K., (Author; 100%), A Case for Involving Engineering Conditions in Characterizing the Radio Space in Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Vol. 5, Issue 10, November 2016.
Ajobiewe, N. D., Ofosu, W. K. (Advice, Co-author; 40%), Oyibo, A. M., A Wireless Sensor Network Based Market Parking Scheme. International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 101, No. 13, September 2014. Impact Factor: 0.821 – 2012.
Ofosu, W. K. (Project Planning, Co-Author; 50%), Saliah-Hassane, H., Cloud Computing in the Education Environment for Developing Nations. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 5(3), 54-62, July-September 2013. Impact Factor: 0.64 – 2011.
Tchao, E. T., Ofosu, W. K. (Advice, Co-Author; 40%), Diawuo, K., Radio Planning and Field Trial Measurement of a Deployed 4G WiMAX Network in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Environment. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 5(3), 1-10, July-September 2013. Impact Factor : 0.64 – 2011.
Tchao, E. T., Diawuo, K., Ofosu, W. K. (Advice, Co-Author; 30%), Affum, E., Analysis of MIMO Systems used in Planning a 4G-WiMAX Network in Ghana. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 7, 197-201, 2013. Impact Factor: 1.505 – 2014
Tchao, E. T., Ofosu, W. K. (Advice, Co-Author; 40%), Diawuo, K., A Performance Case Study of Electronic Governance Implementation in Ghana with WiMAX Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 71, No. 14, June 2013. Impact Factor: 0.821 – 2012.
Tchao, E. T., Ofosu, W. K. (Advice, Co-Author; 30%), Affum, E., Diawou, K., Agyekum, K., Interference Simulation and Measurements for a Deployed 4G-WiMAX Network in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 71, No. 14, June 2013. Impact Factor: 0.821 – 2012.
Tchao, E. T., Diawuo, K., Ofosu, W. K. (Advice, Co-Author; 30%), Ghansah, I., A Proposed Secure Network Model for Implementing Smart Grid Applications in Ghana With WiMAX Technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2013. Impact Factor: 0.401 – 2012.
- Ph.D., Electronic Systems Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, England (1994)
- M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (1977)
- B.Sc., Telecommunications Engineering, Plymouth University, Plymouth, England (1973)