Salvatore Marsico

Salvatore Marsico
Associate Professor, Surveying Engineering
Associate Professor, Engineering
Center for Technology, 004
Penn State Wilkes-Barre
44 University Drive
Dallas, PA 18612

Mr. Salvatore Marsico teaches a range of courses in engineering and law for students enrolled in the baccalaureate engineering degree programs at Penn State Wilkes-Barre and other Penn State campuses.

Mr. Marsico has served the campus and the University in a variety of roles. He was a campus senator in the University Faculty Senate for 25 years, where he chaired a number of committees including the Commonwealth Caucus comprised of all the non-University Park faculty senators. He has also served as the chair of the Wilkes-Barre Faculty Senate as well as the Senate parliamentarian (among other positions).

Mr. Marsico’s research interests focus on real property, professional registration laws, and codes of ethics. His publication, “Engineering Land Surveys: the case of Southeastern Reprographics, Inc. (Davey Resource Group)” in Surveying and Land Information Science reviews the case of first impression in Pennsylvania courts that changed the meaning of “engineering land surveys” and a case in which he served as an expert witness.