Call to Order
In attendance:
Members: David Chin, Wei-Fan Chen, Theresa Clemente, Stephanie Gresh, Melisa Littleton, Albert Lozano, Violet Mager, David Neilson, Jeremy Olson, Dale Jones, Wanda Ochei, Janine Becker, Kaci Grabowski, Cristina Orozco, Dudley Snyder, Anson Carter, Steven Putzel, Luciana Caporaletti, Jonathan Pineno, Heather Paris, Salvatore Marsico, Maureen Ciliberto.
Invited guests: Caroline Chronowski, Gail Stevens, Margie Esopi.
Welcome and Announcements
Albert Lozano (Chairperson) stated that the Senate meeting schedule for Spring 2021 was currently being constructed.
Lozano reminded the Senate that Fred Stefon would be retiring at the end of Fall 2020.
Lozano stated he has appointed Jeremy Olson and Stephanie Gresh to the Election Committee and welcomed Senate membership to volunteer for the committee.
Update on Strategic Plan and Box Migration to One Drive
Dale Jones (Chancellor) stated that a draft of the Strategic Plan was submitted on November 13, 2020 to Dr. Daniel Newhart (Asst. Vice Provost for Planning, University Park) and that feedback would be received in the coming weeks. The final draft is due February 2021. Lozano asked Jones to provide areas of the current Strategic Plan where the Campus has done well. Jones stated the Strategic Plan team would need more time to answer the question.
Caroline Chronowski stated that the Faculty survey response to the timing of the Box to One Drive migration indicated a preference for May/June 2021. Chronowski believes University Park has accepted this time frame and that the precise timing is currently being planned and welcomes input. Chronowski stated a virtual meeting will occur to provide the campus with details concerning the process. Chronowski shared web-based resources for the campus to learn about the process. Lozano suggested the timing should occur between Spring 2021 and Summer 2021.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from November 13, 2020 approved. First motion made by Dudley Snyder. Second motion made by Jeremy Olson. All in favor.
Remarks from Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Jones
Jones stated there may soon be “belt-tightening” of University financial resources due to losses related to COVID.
Jones stated that the Campus Advisory Board has established an Enrollment and Retention Committee, which is working with Janine Becker.
Jones stated the Campus has reconstituted the Invent Penn State Innovation Hub Launch Box, which is working with Stephanie Gresh.
Jones stated that the Summer 2021 schedule has been delayed due to uncertainty related to COVID and information would be coming in January. Jones stated the previously finalized Summer 2020 schedule is being used as a starting point. Lozano suggested using the initial Summer 2020 schedule as a starting point. Olson suggested using the previously finalized Summer 2019 schedule as a starting point. Margie Esopi stated the previously finalized Summer 2020 schedule would be used as starting point.
Jones stated that Lorna Chin is coordinating exam proctoring and suggested providing her with maximum lead time. Lozano suggested adding additional personnel to assist with exam proctoring.
Jones stated the Campus seeks to adhere to course load guidelines for Faculty. Jones stated that Faculty are consulted about overloads prior to scheduling. Jones stated that Fall and Summer courses are rarely cancelled.
Jones stated that the Campus has taken a variety of action to enforce mask policy. Jones stated that Campus Police have informed him that they have seen little non-compliance. Lozano disagreed with this statement.
Jones stated that a December 14, 2020 meeting is scheduled to begin action to replace of Esopi (Registrar), who will remain in her position through the end of February.
Jones stated that room T-18 will be ready before Spring 2021.
Discussion of Committee Reports
No discussion.
New Business
No new business.
Comments for the Good of the Order
Jones stated that he has talked with David Chin about the DEI Committee and that they agreed the committee may be better served as a body outside of the Senate. Chin stated that he would address the Senate in the future about the model for the committee. Salvatore Marsico suggested the committee remain as part of the Senate.
First motion by Snyder; second motion by Marsico. All in favor.