Call to Order
In attendance:
Members: Dimitrios Bolkas, Christyne Berzsenyi, Jeff Chiampi, Luciana Caporaletti, Wei-Fan Chen, Willie Ofosu, Charles Li, Brian Reese, Nikolai Feduchak, Henrique Candido de Oliveira, Violet Mager, Jeremy Olson, Melisa Littleton, Lori Dunn, Jonathan Pineno, Lynda Goldstein, Rebecca Sarver, Maureen Ciliberto, Molly Abdalla, Jennifer Adamski
Invited guests: none.
Welcome and Announcements
- Nikolai Feduchak and Charles Li were introduced as current Senate student members.
- Dimitrios Bolkas (chairperson) shared web links to revisions to policies AC-13 and AC-22 and to the Tenure and/or Promotion Workshop Series.
- Bolkas requested if any member publishes or has published a book or part of a book that they contact the Jennie Knies at the Campus Library.
Approval of Minutes
- Minutes from September 21, 2022 meeting approved. First motion by Jeremy Olson. Second motion by Willie Ofosu. All in favor.
Committee Reports
- Bolkas reminded members that committee reports could be found on the Senate’s OneDrive.
- Luciana Caporaletti (Scholarly Activities) stated that Christyne Berzsenyi was incorrectly listed as a committee member in their report. Caporaletti stated that a Scholarly Activities lecture scheduled for December 2, 2022 should be included in their report. Caporaletti stated that administrative approval for refreshment funding should be included in their report.
- Molly Abdalla (Library) reminded members that she would be willing to visit classrooms to promote Celebration of Scholarship. Abdalla stated the Intent to Participate deadline is February 24, 2023.
- Melisa Littleton (Academic Affairs) reminded members that the committee was hosting a Teaching Best Practices Luncheon on November 30, 2022 and the RSVP deadline was November 16, 2022. Littleton stated that Brandi Brace (SSS) would be speaking at a committee hosted event November 14, 2022.
Remarks from Campus Registrar Jennifer Adamski
- Jennifer Adamski (Campus Registrar) stated that the current prerequisite override procedure consists of a student generated form that is submitted to the Campus Registrar and then forwarded to the appropriate faculty member for approval.
- Adamski stated that ‘corequisites’ are defined as courses that must be taken at the same time.
- Adamski stated that a ‘concurrent’ course is defined as a course that must be taken before or at the same time as the requisite course.
- Adamski stated that not all prerequisite requirements are enforced via Lionpath during student registration.
- Adamski stated that students cannot drop one of two corequisites without approval.
Remarks from Chancellor Goldstein
- Goldstein stated the campus SGA was interested in increased comfort of Student Commons, help finding internships, increased use of OER by faculty, more de-stressing activities. Goldstein encouraged Senate committees to work on these topics.
- Goldstein asked members to consider using OER (open educational resources).
- Goldstein stated that Mont Alto has an Academic Advising Council Handbook and Student Survey to Assess Advising. Goldstein encouraged the Academic Affairs Committee to look at this.
- Goldstein stated that Educational Equity has faculty development support funds which often go unused because many are unaware of them.
- Goldstein reminded members to complete the appropriate documentation when teaching an overload.
- Goldstein stated that chancellors and deans across the University are concerned about relationship building among employees and looking at ways to improve connections.
- Goldstein encouraged members to consider looking at ways to eliminate unnecessary tasks across the campus. Goldstein encouraged members to consider looking at ways for collaboration and engagement and encouraged participation in existing opportunities.
Comments for the Good of the Order
- Olson stated the process of providing a photo for member ID renewal can be streamlined beyond the suggested application download. Olson stated that existing ID photos can be reused.
- First motion by Olson. Second by Janine Becker. All in favor.