Call to Order
In attendance:
Members: Dimitrios Bolkas, Christyne Berzsenyi, Janine Becker, Heather Paris, Jeff Chiampi, Luciana Caporaletti, Willie Ofosu, Melisa Littleton, Wei-Fan Chen, Terry Clemente, Anson Carter, Violet Mager, Lynda Goldstein, Rebecca Sarver, Jeremy Olson, Deyu Pan, Jonathan Pineno, Jennie Knies, Justin Goldston
Invited Guests: Jackie Warnick-Piatt, Cara Green, Ryan Geiger
Welcome and Announcements
- Dimitrios Bolkas (chairperson) reminded members that the University health care provider was being changed to Highmark Blue Shield. Bolkas provided a weblink to related information.
Approval of Minutes
- Two editorial changes were made to the August 17, 2022 meeting minutes. Minutes from August 17, 2022 meeting approved. First motion by Christyne Berzsenyi. Second motion by Jeffrey Chiampi. All in favor.
Committee Reports
- Berzsenyi (University Faculty Senate) stated a decision had been made to make sure each committee included components of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Berzsenyi stated there were discussions regarding a new budget model. Berzsenyi stated University Park tuition had been increased by five percent and that accommodations would be considered for families with household incomes less than $75,000.
- Therese Clemente (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) stated the committee was meeting immediately after the current Senate meeting.
Development and Alumni Relations
- Cara Green (Director, D&AR) reminded members that a ‘gift in kind’ is a gift provided at a discount to a campus program from a corporation. Green reminded members to contact D&AR if they are involved with receiving a gift in kind. Violet Mager asked if a gift received from an individual qualifies as a gift in kind. Green stated they do.
- Green reminded members that if they are planning an event on campus or sponsored by the campus and the event is receiving sponsorship money, they should contact D&AR. Green stated that the necessary lead time for D&AR was typically two to three months. Bolkas asked if student organization fundraising qualifies; Green stated they do not.
- Jackie Warnick-Piatt (Alumni Relations , D&AR) stated that D&AR wished to expand relationships between alumni and faculty. Warnick-Piatt stated that an email would soon be sent to faculty containing a related questionnaire. Warnick-Piatt asked members to notify her if they intended to bring alumni to their classrooms. Warnick-Piatt stated a job shadowing event is being planned. Warnick-Piatt stated that D&AR intended to meet with all campus department heads.
- Bolkas asked if D&AR intended to invite alumni based on field of study. Warnick-Piatt stated that this was an option.
Remarks from Ryan Geiger
(Global Engagement Coordinator, Global Learning)
- Ryan Geiger introduced himself and stated goals of Global Learning include recruiting and retaining international students, installing programing on campuses involving DEI and cultural awareness, regional programming to bring students together across campuses, connecting alumni with students, and partnering with faculty whose research interests have global implications. Geiger stated that in Fall 2022 he was organizing a trip to New York City focusing on the immigrant community in the Chelsea neighborhood. Geiger stated that he has programming money ($4000 to $8000) available to work with faculty. Geiger shared his contact information with members.
- Luciana Caporaletti asked if help is available for summer programming. Geiger stated it was, under appropriate circumstances. Caporaletti asked if funding could be made available for housing. Geiger stated it could, and provided examples of hotels and University facilities used in the past.
- Bolkas asked if members could only request programming funds for activities related to their discipline. Geiger stated requests could be made regarding any appropriate activity.
Remarks from Chancellor Goldstein
- Lynda Goldstein stated that SGA has elected a Treasurer and Vice-President and was in the process of electing two Senate members.
- Goldstein stated the campus sponsored Spotlight Speaker Series would host Ashley Martinelli that evening, September 21, 2022.
- Goldstein stated that policies AC-22 Searches for Administrative Positions and AC-76 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities were being updated and would be sent to the University Faculty Senate.
- Goldstein stated that the policy for hiring full-time tenure-track faculty, AC-13, was being updated to include the requirement that candidates inform the search committee if they have ever been investigated for misconduct. Bolkas asked why the policy was not being applied to teaching-line faculty. Goldstein stated it was likely because teaching-line faculty work under fixed-term contracts.
- Goldstein stated that there is currently discussion underway regarding professionalizing mentorship.
- Goldstein stated that there is currently discussion underway regarding guidelines for faculty professional development expectations.
- Goldstein stated that there is currently discussion underway regarding guidance for faculty and administrators to access non-standard contributions.
- Goldstein stated that faculty have been encouraged to allow Zoom access for committee meetings. Goldstein stated that standard committee charges would be used and Fall 2022 workshops would be available to faculty committee members. Goldstein stated these would be coming from the Vice-Provost’s office.
- Berzsenyi asked about the nature of professionalizing mentorship. Goldstein stated that discussions are in the early stages.
- Bolkas asked if workshops designed for professionals would fall under the umbrella of non-standard contributions. Goldstein stated that the coming guidance would attempt to standardize this.
- Goldstein stated there is no separate summer budget allocation. Goldstein stated the summer budget allocation is pulled from the central campus allocation and the amount is not based on summer revenue. Goldstein stated that the minimum enrollment requirement for campus summer courses is fifteen. Goldstein stated the campus’ annual central allocation is approximately 7.5 million dollars. Goldstein stated the campus’ tuition revenue is approximately 4 million dollars. Goldstein stated that summer courses must run as full as practically possible, and that spending would be distributed to ‘mission critical’ items.
Comments for the Good of the Order
- Jonathan Pineno stated the campus art gallery was currently hosting work by campus faculty and staff.
- First motion by Chiampi. Second by Melisa Littleton. All in favor.