Faculty Senate Minutes (09/15/2021)

Call to Order

In attendance:
Members: Albert Lozano-Nieto, Ann Brennan, Anson Carter, Brian Reese, Cameron Nielsen, Christyne Berzsenyi, Dale Jones, Deyu Pan, Dimitrios Bolkas, Dudley Snyder, Heather Paris, Janine Becker, Jeffrey Chiampi, Jennie Knies, Jeremy Olson, Luciana Caporaletti, Lynda Goldstein, Maureen Ann Ciliberto, Melisa Littleton, Nayalya Vodopyanova, Rebecca Sarver, Sagar Deshpande, Salvatore Marsico, Stephanie Gresh, Theresa Clemente, Violet Mager, Wanda Ochei, Wei-Fen Chen, Willie Ofosu.
Phone:  570-690-6140
Invited Guests:  Kendra Babcock

Welcome and Announcements

  • Jeffery Chiampi (chairperson) welcomed Kendra Babcock as the Administrative Assistant.  Ann Brennan introduced Babcock.
  • Chiampi reminded members that faculty may ask students who refuse to wear masks to leave their classrooms. Chiampi reminded members that Lynda Goldstein previously sent a COVID PSA via email and asked faculty to share it in their classrooms.

Approval of Minutes

  • Willie Ofosu stated that the University Faculty Senate’s vote of no confidence for the Fall 2021 COVID policies was due to University Administration providing them with an inadequate explanation.
  • Minutes from August 18, 2021 meeting approved.  All in favor.

Welcome and Announcements (continued)

  • Chiampi reminded members that they should share knowledge of student illnesses with the Campus Nurse.
  • Chiampi reminded members that the campus flu shot clinic is (September 30, 2021) and that 14 more appointments were necessary to ensure the event occurs.
  • Chiampi reminded members that Starfish Early Progress Indicators were due by September 17, 2021 and that Mid-Semester Progress Indicators would be October 4, 2021 through October 14, 2021.
  • Chiampi asked members to review the previously distributed Spring 2022 course schedule and reminded members that Spring 2022 registration begins October 14, 2021.
  • Chiampi stated that a proposal has been submitted for renovation of the Physics Lab in the Science Building.
  • Chiampi urged members to participate in committee assignments and urged senior faculty volunteer to chair committees. Chiampi asked committees to inform him of chair assignments by September 17, 2021.

Remarks from Chancellor Jones

  •  Dale Jones (chancellor) stated that in Spring and Summer 2021 he created the Operations Budget Working Group.


  • Chiampi asked that standing committees submit their reports prior to Senate meetings.
  • Chiampi stated that Jonathan Pineno volunteered to act as chairperson of the Library Committee.
  • Melisa Littleton stated that she has volunteered as chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee.  Littleton stated the committee intends to host three workshops focusing on FARs and advising.  Littleton stated that the committee has been communicating with the Learning Center about their student writing support services and encouraged faculty to utilize it. Littleton stated that the committee can provide faculty support with promotion procedures.
  • Stephanie Gresh stated that the DEI Committee would be soliciting ideas from membership for their annual agenda.
  • Lynda Goldstein stated that she has called the initial meeting for the Faculty Affairs Committee for September 17, 2021.
  • Jennie Knies stated that she has taken an additional position as interim leader of the eastern Commonwealth Campuses.  Knies stated that the Celebration of Scholarship is scheduled for April 7, 2022.  Knies stated that the Campus Library’s current hours are Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM. Knies stated that the Campus Library has obtained all requested reserve materials. Knies stated that Jonathan Pineno has volunteered as chairperson of the Library Committee.
  • Luciana Caporaletti stated that Scholarly Activities Committee has met and listed their charges as hosting research related events, promoting research, and obtaining funding for research. Caporaletti stated that the committee would solicit COS materials from faculty to present on campus and requested them by October 6, 2021.
  • Dimitrios Bolkas asked members contact him directly if they have issues appropriate for the COVID-19 Committee.
  • Chiampi asked committees to submit their reports the day before Executive Committee meetings.

Old Business

  • Chiampi stated that Summer 2022 course scheduling would be discussed at the October Senate meeting.

New Business

  • Chiampi asked members for feedback concerning an on-campus location for Babcock. Chiampi stated Babcock is currently working remotely. Albert Lozano stated the location should be a combination of the Technology Center and the Science Building. Christyne Berzsenyi stated the location should be the Science Building assuming that the positions duties were entirely faculty related. Bolkas stated that the position should have a presence the Technology Center. Caporaletti stated that the location should be the Murphy Center. Dudley Snyder stated that the location should be the Technology Center. Littleton stated that the location should be balanced across the campus. Salvatore Marsico asked about the scope of the position’s duties. Ann Brennan stated Babcock’s primary duties are providing support to the Faculty. Lozano suggested further discussion be tabled because Babcock is working remotely at this time.
  • Chiampi tabled discussion of assignments of offices and parking spaces. Chiampi tabled discussion of DEI committee assignments.

Open Discussion

  • Marsico stated that the University Park Engineering Outreach and Inclusion Team would be coming to campus October 20, 2021 to discuss transferring students across campuses in engineering.
  • Jeremy Olson stated that a Criminal Justice/RHS research project consisting of a survey has become active.
  • Wanda Ochei stated she is the COVID Contact Tracing Liaison and the COVID Testing Liaison for the campus. Ochei stated that the campus would be holding a September 11 event on September 16, 2021.
  • Wei-Fan asked if employee raises were going to be enacted. Chiampi stated that he would inquire.
  •  Luciana Caporaletti asked that the next Senate meeting be held in-person. Chiampi stated that location decisions would be made by the Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis.
  • Snyder stated that the United Way Campaign would be starting soon.
  • Jones began to answer the question concerning employee raises. Jones encountered technical issues and was unable to finish. Lozano requested that Jones provide the information via email.

Comments for the Good of the Order

  • None.


  • First motion by Lozano. Second motion by Littleton.  All in favor.