Call to Order
In attendance:
Members: Dimitrios Bolkas, Brian Reese, Jeremy Olson, Rebecca Sarver, Melisa Littleton, Deyu Pan, Violet Mager, Jennie Knies, Luciana Caporaletti, Christyne Berzsenyi, Tim Sichler, Adriana Dinescu, Janine Becker, Anatoli Ivanov, Terry Clemente, Willie Ofosu, Lynda Goldstein, Wei-Fan Chen, Stephanie Gresh, Jeff Chiampi
Invited Guests: Wanda Ochei
Welcome and Announcements
- Dimitrios Bolkas (chairperson) reminded members that the New Student Convocation is August 19, 2022 and that Wanda Ochei had previously sent an email with relevant information.
- Bolkas suggested that Senate documentation be centralized using SharePoint.
- Bolkas stated that nominations for Ombudsperson, University College Faculty Council, and University Faculty Senator would be accepted until August 19, 2022 and that voting would likely take place between August 24, 2022 and August 26, 2022.
- Bolkas reminded members that there is a new policy regarding campus closures and provided a web link to this policy. Bolkas reminded members that the compressed schedule system has been eliminated.
- Bolkas reminded members that anyone interested in teaching PSU 008 should reach out to Lynda Goldstein (Chancellor) or Ann Brennan.
- Bolkas formally welcomed Lynda Goldstein as Chancellor.
Approval of Minutes
- Minutes from April 29, 2022 meeting approved. First motion by Brian Reese. Second motion by Melisa Littleton. All in favor.
Remarks from Chancellor Goldstein
- Goldstein suggested members self-nominate for the open positions mentioned previously by Bolkas.
- Goldstein stated the Board of Trustees will make decisions regarding the University’s financial deficit and budgeting recisions at their next meeting. Goldstein stated there is currently a strategic hiring freeze. Goldstein stated that if campuses can demonstrate fiscal responsibility, then the Board would likely allow campuses to make strategic spending decisions. Goldstein stated the Board was contemplating a new budget model for campuses. Goldstein stated that Board has decided salaries would increase 2.5% for all. Christyne Berzsenyi asked about the status of the open Student Activities Coordinator position. Goldstein stated that the Learning Support Coordinator position has been filled and that approval for the Student Activities Coordinator position was yet to be determined. Goldstein stated that it would be necessary to reapply for approval for the open non-tenure-track English position.
- Jeremy Olson asked for first-year student enrollment numbers. Goldstein stated that the campus currently has 164, approximately sixty more than last year at this time. Olson asked what caused the increase. Janine Becker (Admissions) stated it was the culmination of multiple factors. Becker stated that she would be asking faculty to allow prospective students to be allowed to sit in on classes. Becker stated the campus enrollment was approximately 330, a ten percent increase from last year.
- Bolkas reminded members that Senate committee signups were available and provided a link to the signup page. Bolkas stated that Goldstein had created committee charges and that they were provided in a previous email. Goldstein stated that committees were free to establish their own agendas.
- Littleton asked for information regarding responsibilities of University College Faculty Council and University Faculty Senator. Bolkas provided this information electronically.
- Ochei asked if she was permitted to participate in Senate committees. Ochei asked for clarification concerning the Academic Affairs Committee’s charge of “Team approach with LS and Disabilities and Counseling.” Goldstein stated this charge was an invitation for the Academic Affairs Committee to help connect Counseling services with faculty regarding students that require accommodations. Bolkas stated that Ochei is not an ex-officio member and is unable to participate in Senate committees.
New Business
- Bolkas stated that the ad-hoc Constitution Committee would be working this academic year and encouraged participation.
Comments for the Good of the Order
- Ochei asked members to attend the New Student Convocation on August 19, 2022. Ochei stated that the Campus Meetings would follow Convocation and requested members RSVP.
- First motion by Littleton. Second by Berzsenyi. All in favor.