Call to Order:
- Marshall Davis at 12:15p.m. A quorum was present.
Marshall Davis, Marissa Duffy, Tim Sichler, Melisa Naylor, Willie Ofosu, Frank Derby, Jennie Knies, Ellen Gregorio, Wei-Fan Chen, Frouke de Quillettes, Rick Dierenfeldt, Gatinet Gawo, Violet Mager, Renee Rosier, David Chin, Fred Stefon, Megan Mac Gregor, Esra Tekdal Yilmaz, Christyne Berzsenyi, Terry Clemente, Sal Marsico, Walteen Truly, Margie Esopi, Dudley Snyder, Bill Bachman, Jeff Chiampi, Albert Lozano, Anson Carter, Anatoli Ivanov, John Weber
Review and Approval of Minutes
- Marshall Davis requested a review and approval of the meeting minutes from November 29, 2016 and February 15, 2017. The minutes were approved.
- Megan Mac Gregor thanked everyone who volunteered to judge posters at the Celebration of Scholarship on April 13th. The first round of posters are due March 31st and second round will be due April 6th. The event will being at begin at 12:00pm and run until 2:00pm with an awards session beginning at 4:00pm.
- Ellen Gregorio announced the Accepted Student Reception to be held on April 1st, from 10:00am until 2:00pm. She thanked faculty who volunteered to be at the information stations in the Academic Commons from 10:30am to 12:00pm, and invited them to lunch in H-105 following the sessions.
- Renee Rosier announced the Science Building will be closed May 8th through end of August due to renovations. Faculty will be relocated to temporary offices throughout campus. Spaces being renovated include: the Chemistry Lab, restrooms, Marshall Davis’ office and Room 108.
- Renee Rosier informed faculty that Penn State Wilkes-Barre’s graduation date is May 6th. It is expected that faculty attend.
- Bill Bachman inquired if there is a contingency plan if the Science Building renovations are not complete by Fall 2017? A discussion followed. Albert Lozano stated that renovations will be complete. The longest renovation is the chemistry lab in the building and Dudley Snyder has a contingency plan if that space is not available. Jennie Kines indicated that the Library Study Rooms are underutilized in the Summer, and offered the space to faculty.
- John Weber requested that nominations for the upcoming Faculty Senate elections be submitted by April 10th. Before sending a nomination, please receive approval from the faculty member who is being nominated. Contact John Weber or David Chin with questions.
- Marshall Davis addressed the issue of campus safety and security. If faculty have a concern, it should be sent to Marshall. The issues will be compiled and it will be determined how they will be handled.
Chancellor/ Chief Academic Officer Report:
- Marshall Davis announced that Dr. Jones is attending the New Chancellor Orientation at University Park, and regrets that he cannot be in attendance.
- Albert Lozano, Interim Associate Director of Academic Affairs, reported on a new degree program, Project and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) with a consortium of three northeast campuses. The proposal is evolving, and approval is not expected for the Fall 2017 semester. There is a commitment to hire a full time faculty member three years after the program starts and a staggered hiring process.
- Albert Lozano reported on the duties for the Associate CAO and the Assistant to the CAO. He also mentioned that these were preliminary and the duties will be further revised and finalized after the end of Spring 2017.
- Christyne Berzsenyi asked about the status of the articulation agreements. Dr. Lozano indicated that in the near future, there will be signed agreements between the University College and the community colleges. Many have already been finalized. The Luzerne County Community College agreement is very close to finishing, and completion is anticipated after the Spring 2017 semester.
- Dr. Willie Ofosu reported on the Proposed Revision to HR21: Recommendation for Standardized Titles for Non-tenure-line Faculty across Units was accepted.
Committee Reports:
Academic Affairs Committee:
- John Weber announced the report is submitted and it focuses on committee questions regarding promotion guidelines for fixed term faculty.
Faculty Affairs Committee:
- Christyne Berzsenyi reported on behalf of the committee. A motion to revise the language of the Bylaws of the Senate, Section 5, will be voted on at the next Senate meeting.
Student Affairs Committee:
- Megan Mac Gregor is the new Chair of the Student Affairs Committee. She reported that currently, Penn State does not have requirements for immunizations, but is looking to change policy after the mumps outbreak.
Library Committee:
- Jeff Chiampi announced that the Library has course textbooks on reserve. Please copy the Library on the Bookstore e-mail when you are requesting books for the semester.
Invited Reports: None
New Business: None
Old Business: None.
Comments for the Good of the Order: None.
A motion was made to adjourn at 12:53 PM