Call to Order
Dr. John Weber
Do not have attendance sheet and the minutes were composed from a ZOOM recording.
Approval of the previous meetings minutes
Dr. John Weber requested a review and approval of the previous minutes from March. Minutes approved.
Election results announced originally in March repeated.
Communications of campus administrators
Dr. Jones
- Thanked the faculty. Spoke briefly on faculty promotions.
- Gave updates on search committees for Business, Project Management and Supply Chain, and Administration of Justice.
- Discussed Chancellor Endowment Funds Committee.
- Reminder that commencement is on May 5, 2018.
Sal Marsico
- Discussed and presented information collected by data team in regards to student enrollment numbers.
University Faculty Senators - could not hear on ZOOM recording
University College Faculty Council - could not hear on ZOOM recording
Committee Reports
- Student Affairs - Nothing new to report
- Scholarly Activites - Meeting today (April 24, 2018)
- Library - could not hear on recording
- Academic Affairs - could not hear on recording
- Faculty Affairs - Nothing new to report
New Business
Dr. Lynda Goldstein reminded everyone that Academic Affairs has inflexible deadlines. i.e.: State mandated report. Please respond to deadlines, constant reminders are a poor use of time.
Old Business
Standing or Ad Hoc Diversity Committee (Educational Equity and Campus Environment)
Dr. Christyne Berzsenyi suggested that the charge of the diversity committee be split among every standing committee. John, Sal, Lynda agreed. Show of hands - majority agreed as well.
Comments for the good of the order
Dr. John Weber remarked on the past academic year. Thanked the faculty, senate, and IT.
Motion made. Meeting adjourned.