Call to Order
In attendance:
Menbers: Albert Lozano-Nieto, Anson Carter, Brian Reese, Cameron Nielsen, Christyne Berzsenyi, Deyu Pan, Dimitrios Bolkas, Dudley Snyder, Heather Paris, Jeffrey Chiampi, Jennie Knies, Jeremy Olson, Jonathan Pineno, Lorna Chin, Luciana Caporaletti, Lynda Goldstein, Maureen Ann Ciliberto, Melisa Littleton, Natalya Vodopyanova, Rebecca Sarver, Stephanie Gresh, Theresa Clemente, Violet Mager, Wei-Fan Chen, Willie Ofosu.
Invited Guests: Gail Stevens, Patricia Staskiel.
Welcome and Announcements
- Jeffrey Chiampi (Chairperson) stated that Lynda Goldstein was currently meeting with SGA and would be joining the Senate meeting late.
Approval of Minutes – February 23, 2022 Meeting
- Minutes from February 23, 2022 meeting approved. First motion by Jeremy Olson. Second motion by Albert Lozano. All in favor.
- Luciana Caporaletti (Scholarly Activities) stated that the committee would be hosting a research presentation by Deyu Pan on March 28, 2022.
- Melisa Littleton (Academic Affairs) stated the committee would be hosting workshops by herself (March 28) and Olson (April 6).
- Willie Ofosu (Education, UFS) stated the committee discussed add/drop procedures and academic freedom.
- Jennie Knies (Library) reminded members that the Celebration of Scholarship poster submission deadline is March 25, 2022.
Old Business
- Chiampi reminded members that Senate elections for Chairperson-Elect, Ombudsman, Teaching-Line Promotion Committee Member, 2 Executive Committee Members At Large, and 2 Promotion and Tenure Committee Members would occur soon, and that the nomination deadline was March 25, 2022. Lozano asked members at the Associate Professor rank and higher to consider self-nominating. Chiampi encouraged members to contact him with questions.
New Business
- Chiampi stated the Staff Advisory Council Executive Board had been invited to the meeting. Lozano made a first motion to reaffirm the commitment of the Faculty Senate to have a standing invitation to a non-voting member of the SAC. Second motion by Ofosu. All in favor.
- Berzsenyi encouraged faculty to participate on the Promotion and Tenure Committee.
- Olson asked members what concerns they had regarding the departure of former Chancellor Dale Jones. Lozano stated he felt administrative continuity was important. Berzsenyi stated that the current interim Chancellor, Lynda Goldstein has served in the role before. Berzsenyi, Chiampi, Lozano, and Olson sounded support for Goldstein in the role.
- Goldstein stated she would remain in the interim Chancellor position until the position is filled permanently. Goldstein stated she hoped this would happen before July 2023. Goldstein stated she would continue to participate in FAR meetings and processing. Goldstein stated Business and Chemistry Faculty positions have been filled and will be introduced at the fall Campus meeting. Goldstein stated the Surveying Engineering Faculty position had a candidate in the background check phase and that a search committee would be formed for an English Faculty position. Goldstein stated that Kendra Babcock (Admin Assist) and Lorna Chin (Learning Ctr) were retiring. Goldstein stated that the Learning Center will remain open after Chin retires. Littleton asked what type of position would be filled for the English Faculty position. Goldstein stated the position would be teaching-line and that financial factors are limiting hiring. Goldstein requested that someone volunteer to be a Commencement Marshal and that members attend the ceremony. Goldstein requested that members self-nominate for open Senate positions. Goldstein stated masking is now optional, but Faculty may still choose to enforce making in their classrooms and offices. Goldstein stated her appreciation for member participation in the April 23, 2022 New Accepts Day. Goldstein asked members to be mindful of the current Russian invasion of Ukraine. Lozano asked if Commencement would be held in its traditional manner. Goldstein replied this was the preferred option. Lozano suggested that staff should be invited to walk with faculty at Commencement. Goldstein stated she believed the invitation has been sent or would be sent. Olson asked if there were any further anticipated changes to the structure of Campus administration. Goldstein stated there was not. Olson, Dudley Snyder, and Dimitrios Bolkas voiced support for Goldstein.
- First motion by Olson. Second by Littleton. All in favor.