Call to Order
In attendance:
Members: Albert Lozano-Nieto, Brian Reese, Cameron Nielsen, Christyne Berzsenyi, Dale Jones, Deyu Pan, Dimitrios Bolkas, Dudley Snyder, Janine Becker, Jeffrey Chiampi, Jennie Knies, Jeremy Olson, Luciana Caporaletti, Maureen Ann Ciliberto, Melisa Littleton, Rebecca Sarver, Stephanie Gresh, Wanda Ochei, Wei-Fan Chen.
Invited Guests: Cara Green
Welcome and Announcements
- Jeffrey Chiampi (Chairperson) reminded Faculty that mid-semester reporting would be open February 21, 2022 to March 2, 2022.
- Chiampi stated that no decision has been made on implementing the Paw Prints printing system.
- Chiampi stated that Wanda Ochei would not be providing estimated student COVID status data.
- Chiampi reminded Senate Committees to submit reports a week prior to the Faculty Senate meetings.
Approval of Minutes – January 24, 2022 Meeting
- Minutes from January 24, 2022 meeting approved. First motion by Albert Lozano. Second motion by Dudley Snyder. All in favor.
- Luciana Caporaletti (Scholarly Activities) stated that the committee would be hosting research presentations by Jeremy Olson (February 25, 2022), Deyu Pan (March 14), and Anson Carter (April 4).
- Jeremy Olson (DEI) stated that the committee has submitted proposed committee charges for discussion.
- Jennie Knies (Library) reminded members that the Celebration of Scholarship Intent to Participate deadline is February 25, 2022. Knies stated that the Celebration of Scholarship will be held in person on April 7, 2022. Knies stated that the deadline for the electronic poster submittal is March 25, 2022.
Remarks from Chancellor Jones
- Dale Jones (Chancellor) stated that he has prioritized filling the unusual number of current position openings on campus.
New Business
- Chiampi stated that the Faculty Senate elections would be occurring soon and encouraged members to participate.
- Chiampi stated that he would be sending an email to members seeking two volunteers to be Commencement Marshals.
- Chiampi stated that he would like to reform the ad-hoc Constitution Committee. Lozano stated that the committee would be reviewing the current Constitution and investigate its status within the University Park approval process.
- Cara Green (Director of Campus Development & Alumni Relations, Alumni Relations and Giving) reminded Faculty that they can work with her office to secure gifts and event sponsorships. Green stated that smaller expenses can be funded through the Let’s Grow State program.
- Janine Becker (Director of Enrollment Management) stated that undergraduate college enrollment has dropped 6.6% nationwide since Fall 2019. Becker stated that this was due to fewer high school graduates, high cost, and the COVID pandemic. Becker stated that undergraduate enrollment has dropped significantly within PASSHE system over the past decade. Becker stated that enrollment has dropped 2.7% at Penn State University since Fall 2019. Becker stated that enrollment has improved slightly at Penn State Wilkes-Barre over the past two semesters. Becker stated that the number of applicants and number of deposits for Penn State Wilkes-Barre has increased over the past two years. Becker encouraged members to participate in Accepted Student Day. Lozano stated that he felt Faculty should be invited to attend Open Houses. Becker stated that Faculty are not invited to Open Houses because participating students have too many potential majors of interest. Olson asked Becker for application-to-deposit and lost deposit percentages. Becker stated the offers-to-deposit percentage is currently near 10. Becker stated the lost deposit percentage for last year was between 13-14. Olson asked why application and deposit numbers have increased over the past two years. Becker stated she felt the increase could be attributed to more personal outreach and marketing. Olson and Chiampi suggested academic minors should be promoted by Enrollment.
Comments for the Good of the Order
- Jones stated his appreciation the meeting participation of Green and Becker.
- First motion by Snyder. Second by Lozano. All in favor.