Call to order
In attendance:
Members: Albert Lozano-Nieto, Anatoli Ivanov, Anson Carter, Brystal Hardiman, Cameron Nielsen, Christyne Berzsenyi, Dale Jones, Deyu Pan, Dimitrios Bolkas, Dudley Snyder, Heather Paris, Jeffrey Chiampi, Jennie Knies, Jeremy Olson, Luciana Caporaletti, Maureen Ann Ciliberto, Melisa Littleton, Natalya Vodopyanova, Rebecca Sarver, Stephanie Gresh, Theresa Clemente, Timothy Sichler, Violet Mager, Wanda Ochei, Wei-Fan Chen, Willie Ofosu.
Invited guests: Joseph Donahue
Welcome and Announcements
- Jeffrey Chiampi (Chairperson) reminded Faculty that FARs are due, and an Alternative Assessment is required in Digital Measures.
- Chiampi reminded Faculty that Early Progress Reports are open from January 24, 2022 to February 2, 2022 and emphasized their importance.
- Chiampi asked members to email him with information (today) that would be suitable to share with the Campus Advisory Board.
- Chiampi stated that in the future, inclement weather text messages will match messaging posted on the Campus website. Following the Approval of Minutes Christyne Berzsenyi asked why the Campus had moved from a Compressed Schedule to Cancellation format for inclement weather delays. Chiampi stated that due to the volume of remote courses, the Compressed Schedule format was logistically impractical. Albert Lozano stated that Wilkes Barre was one of the few Commonwealth Campuses that had been using the Compressed Schedule format.
Approval of Minutes – December 8, 2021 Meeting
- Minutes from December 8, 2021 meeting approved. First motion by Dudley Snyder. Second motion by Berzsenyi. All in favor.
- Chiampi reminded members to submit committee reports a week ahead of Faculty Senate meetings.
- Jeremey Olson (DEI) stated that the committee has drafted committee charges and will be submitting at the next Faculty Senate meeting. Olson stated that the committee is preparing to seek funding for WIFI hotspots for students during travel.
- Melisa Littleton (Academic Affairs) stated that the committee would soon be distributing a schedule for presentations/workshops they are sponsoring Spring 2022.
- Jennie Knies (Library) stated the committee would meet January 28, 2022 and would be discussing the Celebration of Scholarship format and hoped to make a decision by mid-February.
Remarks from Chancellor Jones
- Dale Jones (Chancellor) gave his appreciation to the campus community for their work through the COVID pandemic.
New Business
- Chiampi stated that the Executive Committee has requested a weekly aggregate summary of student COVID policy compliance. Lozano stated that at the most recent Discipline Coordinator meeting the current Canvas lockout policy for COVID policy non-compliance had been tabled. Chiampi stated concern that the Canvas lockout policy could potentially affect SRTEs. Olson stated concern that the Canvas lockout policy could affect students differently depending on their course formats. Jones stated that Student Affairs does not currently have student COVID policy compliance data. Jones stated that students are not made aware that they are locked out of Canvas and that they may believe they are unable to access Canvas due to technical issues. Wanda Ochei stated that students are notified by UP and herself on Mondays that they are required to take a COVID test. Ochei stated that if a student does not take a test by the following Monday, they are locked out of Canvas and notified as such. Ochei stated the students’ Canvas access is reinstated following their next COVID test. Ochei stated that 74 students are in the testing protocol and 10 failed to comply to this point of the spring semester. Ochei stated that testing protocol data does not exist and she would be able to provide estimated figures. Lozano stated that he felt providing estimating figures would be sufficient.
- Maureen Ann Ciliberto introduced the new Eastern Region Employer Engagement and Career Specialist, Joseph Donahue, and stated that Donahue will be located at the Wilkes Barre campus. Ciliberto stated Career Services would be planning meetings with Program Coordinators.
Comments for the Good of the Order
- Olson stated his appreciation for participation in this month’s MLK celebration and listening circles.
- Jones stated his appreciation for condolences regarding the passing of his father.
- First motion by Littleton. All in favor.