Faculty Senate Minutes from 10/20/2015

Call to Order



Minutes approved 



Chancellor’s Report (Dr. Charles Davis)

Thank you to Frank Derby for helping make the presentation at the President's tailgate a success.

November 4th and 5th: Centennial kick-off events; please attend.

The University is looking into safety policies due to recent events on college campuses, will update faculty and staff as soon as information comes available.

DAA’s Report (Dr. Albert Lozano)

Update on searches: Phone interviews for AOJ position 10/23, Instructor of Arts just received a shirt list from search committee of interview candidates.

Enrollment down at all but 4 campuses; not a campus-specific issue

S.A.M (Student Achievement Measures) tracking tool showing where student in good standing go after PSU whether for academic or financial reasons (enrollment data - Margie)

LionPath: New degree Audits will have pre-red. enforced at time of registration

Declare major students need more than 44 credits but does not guarantee campus/location change

Academic Status: Good Standing / Academic Warning / Suspension

(2) Suspensions will result in dismissal from the University.

Faculty are encouraged to participate in dual enrollment (freshmen, Gen. Ed. courses)

Common schedule change is coming soon and will affect the scheduling of rooms/times

Committee Reports

Academic Affairs Committee

Academic Integrity: How many faculty in hearing? Elected or appointed by DAA? How many elected and how many appointed? How many students? What would be the process to follow if there is a case coming before the Academic Integrity committee?

Discussion around this charge noted that the DAA has already created an Academic Integrity Committee for the current academic year. The AAC will discuss this at a future meeting to go over process, best practice, etc.

SRTEs: Should the faculty senate recommend faculty to include a statement on the value of the SRTEs? Should we have open discussions between faculty and students about the value of the SRTEs as a way to improve teaching? How can we help students to write more meaningful answers to the open-ended questions in the SRTEs? Discussion around this charge resulted in a recommendation that Student Affairs send out a reminder message to all students before and when SRTE windows/links are open and available for students to complete.

Learning Outcomes: Should I ask faculty members to choose one learning outcome for a single course they teach in SP 16 and work on how to assess it through the semester? We can bring speakers from the Schreyer Institute, but in order for these to be effective, we need faculty who have started the process of thinking about these. Discussion around this charge resulted in a recommendation that the DAA provide an update on what programs have done and/or are doing presently to meet this task. It was noted that some programs, including Business, have already developed learning outcomes for some courses. Another question came up regarding what assistance the campus will offer to help create learning outcomes. It was noted that all course syllabi should have listed both program and course learning outcomes.

Student Affairs Committee

Welcome Day feedback wanted and awaiting selection of student representative.

Scholarly Activities Committee

official Call for Proposals

Faculty Affairs Committee

Search committee recommendations submitted list for (2) positions: Arts and AOJ

First Tuesday lunch suggestion for all faculty as an opportunity to converse without class obligations or agendas

Open to suggestions for off-campus activities

Library Committee

Full-time staff has been hired for library position.

University Senators

Tenure clock extension in the College of Medicine

Assess the Validity and Reliability of SRTEs

Examine Global Engagement in Recognition/Reward System

Determine Voting Rights for Selection of Promotion and Tenure Committees

Establish Promotion Review Committees for FT Faculty

Make Recommendations for Online General Education Courses

The Value of Contributions to Economic Development

Forensic Report on Appointment and Promotion of FT Faculty

Report on Promotion and Development of FT Faculty

Propose Changes to HR 23 Regarding Gender Equity in Tenure Clock Stoppages

University Faculty Council

No report.

Old Business

Request for Faculty Senate members to decide what process should be followed for academic integrity. Chancellor Davis will appoint members.

New Business


Comments for the Good of the Order



1:20 PM