As you transition from college student to college graduate, the status of your student loans will likely change. The following information and resources can help you prepare for managing your loans after graduation.
Federal Loans
Use your FSA username and password to sign in to the federal student loans website, where you can find your lender(s) and the amount that you owe.
The federal student loans website also includes information regarding:
- Loan exit counseling
- How to make loan payments
- Setting up a payment plan
- Loan consolidation
Private Loans
Students who possess student loans through a private lender should contact the lender directly for information about payment plans, loan consolidation, deferments and more.
Students Heading to Graduate School
Planning on graduate school? Though the nature of student loans change for graduate school students, there are still important financial aid steps to take.
- Students attending graduate school should complete a FAFSA to be reviewed for eligibility of Stafford Student Loans and other financial aid.
- Read this Graduate School Preparation Checklist from the U.S. Department of Education.
- Always contact the financial aid office and/or graduate office at your college or university for assistance.
- Prior undergraduate loans may be deferred as long as you are enrolled in a minimum of six credits of graduate school courses.
Tips for managing your money post-graduation
We know that handling student loans can be confusing and stressful. To help put your mind at ease and develop a plan for knocking out your student loan debt, we recommend that you check out these articles: