April 15 – September 15, 2022
This exhibit features artworks by students who were enrolled in a variety of Penn State Wilkes-Barre courses.
Students in ARTH 112: Art & Music History, Renaissance through Modern Times, taught by Jonathan Pineno, studied various types of modern art and painting techniques. The class discussed environmental art and how to utilize recycled materials to create art. With recycled plastic caps and hubcaps, recycled cardboard, paint, and glue, class members created their own unique artwork.
Students in INART 001: Perceiving the Arts, taught by Jonathan Pineno, studied various artworks and painting techniques. For their class projects, students incorporated techniques from the painting “Blue Winter” by well-known professional artist Bob Ross. The class members created their own interpretations of the painting while following the painting instructions provided by the artist.
Students in Science 60: Art in the Natural World, taught by Luciana Caporaletti, explored the outdoors to learn about the flora and fauna of northeastern Pennsylvania. Activities included bird feeder experiments, sculpting pinecones, writing naturalist poetry, and identifying birds, trees, and arthropods using field guides. The works of art in this exhibit are sketches of specimens collected and/or observed by the students.
Students in English 184: The Gothic Short Story, taught by Christyne Berzsenyi, explored American Gothic short fiction, television and film adaptations, as well as Gothic style and Gothic themes. Students researched Gothic landmarks in Pennsylvania and dabbled in the making of original Gothic-inspired art.
Video Tour 1:
Video Tour 2:
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