Cultural Intelligence in the Workplace (on demand)

Employers, boost your team’s performance by investing in our new Cultural Intelligence in the Workplace program which directly addresses your employees’ skill gaps. This 8-hour program can be customized to meet your specific needs, and be delivered via Zoom or on-site at times convenient for your workforce. Contact us at 570-675-9253 or [email protected] for more information.

Cultural intelligence, or cultural quotient (CQ), refers to a person’s ability to understand, appreciate, and navigate cultural norms and expectations. Cultural intelligence can be broken down into four main components: cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral. This 8-hour workshop is designed for employees and managers to delve into diverse workplaces to recognize cultural intelligence issues and heighten awareness of cultural intelligence dynamics. This course will bolster attendees’ comprehension of issues related to cultural intelligence and equip them with the skills to tackle these challenges when they surface.

Why should we understand cultural intelligence?

Understanding cultural intelligence is crucial in today’s globalized world for several reasons, and various studies and statistics underscore its importance.

  • Improved Team Performance. A study by the Cultural Intelligence Center found that teams with higher CQ levels outperformed others in completing tasks and were more innovative in problem-solving.
  • Increased Profitability. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, companies in the top quartile for cultural and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.
  • Enhanced Job Performance. Research published in the Journal of World Business found a positive relationship between an individual’s CQ and their job performance, especially for those interacting with culturally diverse groups.
  • Reduced Turnover. A study by Bersin by Deloitte showed that inclusive companies that value and develop cultural intelligence have 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee, are 1.8 times more likely to be change-ready, and are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market.
  • Global Mobility. According to a survey by Brookfield Global Relocation Services, 40% of all international assignments are judged as failures, with cultural adjustment challenges being a primary reason. Enhancing CQ can significantly reduce these failure rates.
  • Customer Satisfaction. A report by Forbes found that 65% of companies with high CQ levels reported a significant increase in customer satisfaction, attributed to their ability to relate to and understand diverse customer bases.
  • Negotiation Success. Research from the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management found that negotiators with higher CQ levels achieved better outcomes in cross-cultural negotiations.
  • Talent Attraction. According to Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers consider workplace diversity an essential factor when evaluating job offers. Companies prioritizing and understanding cultural intelligence are more likely to attract top talent.


For more information, contact Continuing Education at 570-675-9253 or [email protected].