Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) Exam Preparation

About the Program

This 30-hour (3.0 CEUs) course consists of face-to-face lecture, classroom discussion, and practice exams. At the end of the course, the instructor will review with students how to schedule the CISSP® exam and provide links to practice tests to prepare.

CISSP® is a globally recognized certification in the information security field from (ISC)2. Required by many governments and organizations around the world, this credential demonstrates deep technical knowledge and experience to effectively design, engineer, and manage the overall security posture of an organization.

Course Outline

This Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) Exam Preparation course will expose students to the eight domains of knowledge required to pass the exam:

  • Security and Risk Management
  • Asset Security
  • Security Engineering
  • Communications and Network Security
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Security Assessment and Training
  • Security Operations
  • Software Development Security

Because the course is 10 weeks long, each session will provide an overview of a knowledge domain. If students are not familiar with a specific topic, they will be provided with resources to study the area independently. The course will provide students with a solid understanding of each topic, but the CISSP® exam tests the ability to apply knowledge in different situations.

The course is taught by a CISSP®-certified professional who is eligible to sponsor students for their CISSP® certification once they have completed and passed the exam.

The official CISSP® exam is not included with the course and must be scheduled directly through Pearson Vue.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is open to information security professionals with five years of work experience in two out of the eight knowledge domains and who are eligible to sit for the CISSP® exam.

For more information on the CISSP® certification process, visit the (ISC)2 website. There are other options for students without the required work experience.


Dates: March 16–May 18, 2023
Location: Virtual instructor-led training via Zoom
Cost: $1,795 per person

For more information, contact our office at 570-675-9253 or email [email protected].